Clark Albert
Clark has lived on White Sand Lake since 1998 and has been involved in the Lake Association since it began in 2004. Clark can be reached at
Ray Frigo
Vice President
Ray and Ellen Frigo moved to the lake in 2021, after selling their lake home in western Wisconsin. Both are Wisconsin natives and continue to maintain their strong ties to the state. When not spending time in the northwoods, they reside in Texas.
Peter Bartzen
Peter and Angie Bartzen live in Caledonia, WI. They have a son and 3 duaghters and enjoyed bringing them to Dillmans for a week every summer. During one of their weeks in 2011, a home two piers over from where they were renting, went on sale by owner and they bought it. It is now the favorite place for their 11 grandchildren. Peter is a retired surgeon since late 2020.
Denise Odell
At-Large Director
Denise has been coming to her cabin on White Sand Lake since she was a child. She has been on the WSLA Board since 2007.
Amber Winter
Amber is the daughter-in-law of Jim and Connie Winter. She has been coming to the lake with their family since her and Stewart met in 2011. Amber and Stewart were married in the northwoods at Coon Franklin lodge and now have 2 children, Sully and Adley.
Connie Winter
At-Large Director
Connie and her husband, Jim, built their cabin on the lake in 1999. They have enjoyed many years coming to the lake with their son, Stewart. Connie and Jim are retired dentists. They are loving being grandparents to their two grandchildren.
Mike Rummel
At-Large Director
Louise Walsh
At-Large Director